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Jactitation :    A false boast designed to increase standing at the expense of another. 

J. D.             :    Abbreviation for 'juris doctor' or 'doctor of 'jurisprudence' and the formal name given to the university law degree in the United States. It is a prerequisite to most bar admission exams. 

Joint and several liability :    Liability of more than one person for which each person may be sued for the entire amount of damages done by all. 

Joint custody :    A child custody decision which means that both parents share joint legal custody and joint physical custody. 

Joint tenancy :    When two or more persons are equally owners of some property. 

Joyce Model of Joint Guardianship :    A British Columbia model of joint guardianship in respect to children as between separated parents. 

Judicial review :    In many cases, the 'appeal' from administrative agencies is known as 'judicial review' which is essentially a process where a court of law is asked to rule on the appropriateness of the administrative agency or tribunal’s decision. 

Jure     :    Latin, from Roman law: by right, under legal authority or by the authority of the law. A variation, juris means of right or of the law. See jurisprudence below which means science of the law. 

Jurisdiction :    Refers to a court's authority to judge over a situation usually acquired in one of three ways: over acts committed in a defined territory (eg. the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Australia is limited to acts committed or originating in Australia), over certain types of cases (the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy court is limited to bankruptcy cases), or over certain persons (a military court has jurisdiction limited to actions of enlisted personnel).

Jurisprudence :    Thus, jurisprudence has come to refer to case law, or the legal decisions which have developed and which accompany statutes in applying the law against situations of fact. 

Jury         :    A group of citizens randomly selected from the general population and brought together to assist justice by deciding which version, in their opinion, constitutes 'the truth' given different evidence by opposing parties. 

Jus         :    Latin: word which, in Roman law, meant the law or a right. 

Jus spatiandi et manendi     Latin: referring to a legal right of way, and to enjoyment, granted to the public but only for the purposes of recreation or education, such as upon parks or public squares.  

Justice :    A state of affairs in which conduct or action is both fair and right, given the circumstances.

Juxta-position: 1. an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially. for comparison or contrast.                 2. the state of being close together or side by side